On Making a Social Impact

On Making a Social Impact

Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to be a superhero, just like the ones I saw on TV. I idolized these people who had unique stories. Some survived tragedies, some were given extraordinary gifts, and some were ordinary people who decided to do something extraordinary. Through self-sacrifice, they worked to save others (and sometimes defeat “the bad guy”).

As I grew up, the people I idolized the most were my teachers. These were people that made my time in school a great experience. Yes, they did teach me things, but more importantly they opened my mind to a world of previously undiscovered ideas. They made me smarter, wiser, and a better human being. Not only did they do this for me, but they spent their careers doing this for others too.

So, not coincidentally, I became an educator too. I wanted to make as large of a social impact as I could, so I decided to teach high school English. I figured that I’d work in high school since it’s the vital strange right before adulthood. Also, since everyone needs the English skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening (let’s not forget critical thinking), I would be helping everyone develop the essential skills they need in whichever career path they chose. Being a high school English teacher seemed to be the most practical and effective way to make a positive difference in the world.

Now, 11 years later, I don’t regret that decision at all. I’ve built a career that I’m proud to have. I’ve seen my students struggle and grow throughout the school year. I’ve watched them grow and mature. I’ve watched them start their adult lives. I’ve heard from many former students about the wonderful things they’ve moved on to after high school. That makes it worth it.I may not have made millions of dollars in this career, but the impact I make with people is what I’m in it for.

Roderick Conwi is the Executive Editor at Nourishment Notes. He is also the author of The Procrastinator's Quick Guide To Getting It Done. To get powerful insights that enhance your day, join his free newsletter.

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